CODEX - METHOD Assuming the role of a learner, participants experience the practical aspects of becoming a self-reliant learner by doing the course Self-reliant Learning.
Step 1 - The Self-reliant Learner
Step 1 is a rather theoretical and highly structured course. The way to self-reliance goes through the eye of the needle. Participants read the book The Seven Keys to Self-reliant Learning, regarding Step 1 as a thinking project. They reflect, get feedback, assess their progress, evaluate their working habits, and interact with fellow participants.
Step 2 - Writing the CODEX
Step 2 provides further practical hands-on experience. Using a "dummy", a reference library, the Internet, guiding documents, and interaction and cooperation with colleagues, participants write a complete CODEX. The process involves analyzing political educational goals and curricula, formulating one's own views on humanity and human potential, defining one's own interpretation of the relation between teaching and learning, and setting up a practical framework for guiding students towards self-reliance.