ForumEducation - comcentre

The course room has a comcentre, where you find ...
punkt a participant list
punkt a list of skypers
punkt a list of bloggers
punkt a list of projects
punkt a forum
punkt interest groups

Details below



Participant list  

As your students register for their diagnostic placement tests and access to the course room, their names automatically appear on the participant list. You have full control of the process.

Course participants and their teacher/s who want to communicate over SKYPE are listed for quick connection (optional).

Course participants get access to a blog editor and can choose to post their blogs to other participants and/or to the public.

There is a link to the ProjectBoard.

Access to a course phpBB forum and to an international forum on learning strategies (pending).
Interest groups  

Teachers and their students can start special interest groups, e.g. "reading circles".